I am currently getting everything printed when I thought about some nifty saying to put inside. I pondered redoing the night before Christmas I think I worked it all out. I will post so you can follow along with my card creation.
Twas the night before Christmas, when all in my home
were finally asleep and now I’m alone;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that the gifting’s were all inside there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While worries of neglected things danced in my head.
The coffee pot brewed and full in my cup,
my mind so unsettled I wondered, “what’s up”?
I bought all the presents I think, my mind all cluttered,
I recounted them all as I sat there and muttered.
Abby a dress with a beautiful sash,
and Dylan a video game that cost me some cash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what from the corner of my eyes should appear,
a present I neglected to wrap very near.
With a swiftness of action, I wrapped it at last,
over all the years of practice, I was very fast.
More rapid than then ladies that wrapped in the store,
who wrapped things so carelessly asking for more;
Now, Dash make the cookies and quick make the bread!
if things were not done for the Christmas ahead.
The batter was ready and I still had some time!
So I heated up, that old oven of mine.
There still seem to be something I was missing somehow;
but for all the buzz in my head I couldn’t remember right now,
So rush to the oven before the beep
I wouldn’t want to disturb someone’s sleep
And, in a twinkling, dozens of cookies on a tray
Still left with the bread to be done by break of day.
As I took off the oven mitts and turned around,
I tripped on the rug and fell down with much sound.
As I got over the fall I quick peeked, just to see;
all I saw was the hint of a bruise on my knee.
Would any one notice I said with a shrug,
As I rubbed the ache, sitting on the old worn rug.
My eyes were so heavy as I climbed the stairs to my bed.
I stopped to kiss each child on the head.
I covered the baby all snugly and warm
and wondered why I felt so lost, forlorn.
As I patted the back of that baby, so comfy in bed.
I remembered the lost memory as I slapped my head.
The baby. the manger. the reason for the day.
In my hustle I forgot, much to my dismay.
I thought of His mother who stood over her child like me.
The Shepard’s all wondered what child could this be.
The tears in my eyes would not go away,
when I remembered the gift I was given this day.
So with a prayer for forgiveness I had nothing to fear;
for the touch of His presence was ever so near.
“This day is a celebration of my love” he said,
“You have made everything ready there’s nothing to dread”.
“I just wish in your planning you remembered Me.
It would have made things much easier you see”.
Love is the answer and the manger the clue
to all the good things in life just for you.
So in your preparations for the celebration of Christmas Day.
Please don’t forget the life that was given away,
To give peace and love for you and me,
Merry Christmas to you all the best that can be.
(ps, silly little poem I recreated from The night before Christmas. We know all the rush and hub-bub of life. Take time to enjoy the simple things in life.)