Monday, February 11, 2008

Not enough time in the day

Ive been very busy, between work and trying to keep my hand into doing some form of artwork, drawing, painting,ect... Currently working on a project I signed up for on wet canvas. I don't know what I was thinking. My easel was full with current projects, where was I going to accomplish this project. I decided to pull out the colored pencils, since I never really worked with them thought oh well, why not. It's all about the doing anyway and experimenting. Picture I was trying to add wont upload???? Well I'll post the completed image of the pastel I was working on. the original image the paper was old and tiny cracks started to show up so I totally redid the whole picture. Like the second picture better.LOL guess I should have taken off the tape. I finished Abby's fairy too.

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